Newcastle UHF 5/35 Repeater relocates to the Sugarloaf Range

Mount Sugarloaf on the Sugarloaf range
Mount Sugarloaf on the Sugarloaf range

CREST NSW assists the community by establishing radiocommunications networks providing safety communications. This support includes building UHF Citizen Band emergency repeaters to be used on radio sites around the State. These repeaters covers a large geographical area allowing the public to call for assistance on the emergency channels 5/35 on UHF CB. CREST has recently relocated its Newcastle repeater to the Sugarloaf Range.

Previously located at Charlestown, CHN05 has provided a sterling service since the early 1980’s. In more recent years a number of multi-storey buildings have been built in the area over shadowing the repeater. It served us well back in the day but much less so in the last few years.

Now on the Sugarloaf Range, Emergency Monitors on the Central Coast and Port Stephens can now access a facility that was previously inaccessible. Our sincere thanks go to Gencom (General Communications) for assisting us with this project.

CREST is always on the lookout for community groups across the State who wish to provide UHF CB coverage in their area for safety communications. Contact CREST for more information.