Vale – Warren Price

Warren Price, born 18 February 1954, was a long-standing Member (since 1991), initially joining Prospect Division as it was then called.

As “Prospect 18”, he monitored a home base in Blacktown for many years, living with his wife Janet, good mate Robin Hunt and friend Graham Rees with their many dogs and cat. He kept his vehicle registration as “SES 18C”.

Warren Price

He experienced the era of the RTA Big Bike Rides with many of us.

Warren would make himself available to assist SES and in fire emergencies, the latter primarily providing traffic control duties.

Even though his day-job of escorting wide loads was physically demanding, he would regularly attend our field activities and was usually first to arrive, sometimes sleeping in his car. He had a good sense of humour and was referred to as “Woz” by most of us.

In June 2022, a steel reinforcing fence that bounds a construction site fell against him, hitting him in the head. He took it easy for some months after that until he was admitted to hospital and the doctor attributed his eyesight deterioration and related blackouts back to that incident a long time before.

Warren went downhill after coming home from hospital, unable to attend our events but keeping in touch by email and phone, joining our meetings online.

The main worrying him after the passing of Robin and Graham, was all the equipment and personal belongings he had in a local storage facility for which he was paying a high monthly rent. Two of us helped him clear that out, taking unwanted things by Bunnings trailer to the local tip for scrap metal merchant and bringing the cash back. Each time we left to go home, he would get very tearful, knowing that he did not have long to live and we would try to reassure him. After he died and, in his memory, two of us decided to continue disposing of the items which took one month and bringing any cash back to Janet. As he wanted, some items of value were bought, then given to others to use.

He went from being nursed at home by Janet to palliative care on Monday, 28 August 2023 and passed away in care on Wednesday, 30 August 2023. Unfortunately, we were not given the opportunity to see him off properly at a funeral.

Warren was a valued Member of our organization which we always let him know. He was dedicated, honest and could always be relied upon with a smile.

Rest in peace now Woz, you’ve done enough good service for others.